Zuora Platform: Use Case: Creating Custom Object and Records for Vehicle Fleet Management

Zuora Platform: Use Case: Creating Custom Object and Records for Vehicle Fleet Management

Create an account and subscription for vehicle fleet management and generate usage records.

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About this course

Welcome to the Zuora Platform: Use Case: Creating Custom Object and Records for Vehicle Fleet Management course. This course will explain you how to build a workflow that automates the process of creating a new account and subscription for the vehicle fleet management services. It also explains how to create a custom object with records for each fleet, generate the usage records, and finally generate and post the invoice. 

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Create custom objects and records using Zuora's Workflow
  • Generate usage records using Zuora's Workflow

Click the Enter/Start Course button above to start.

Course15 minutes

  • Module 1: Use Case
  • Vehicle Fleet Management
  • Demo: Vehicle Fleet Management
  • Module Recap
  • Module 2: End of Course
  • Rate This Course!
  • What's Next?

About this course

Welcome to the Zuora Platform: Use Case: Creating Custom Object and Records for Vehicle Fleet Management course. This course will explain you how to build a workflow that automates the process of creating a new account and subscription for the vehicle fleet management services. It also explains how to create a custom object with records for each fleet, generate the usage records, and finally generate and post the invoice. 

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Create custom objects and records using Zuora's Workflow
  • Generate usage records using Zuora's Workflow

Click the Enter/Start Course button above to start.

Course15 minutes

  • Module 1: Use Case
  • Vehicle Fleet Management
  • Demo: Vehicle Fleet Management
  • Module Recap
  • Module 2: End of Course
  • Rate This Course!
  • What's Next?