Zuora's Object Model

Zuora's Object Model

Video: for developers or anyone who is interested in working with data stored in Zuora.

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About this course

This video is designed for developers or anyone who is interested in working with data stored in Zuora.

In this video, Nishith Agarwal, Technical Consultant at Zuora, describes Zuora's data model and how objects such as products, rate plans, customer accounts, invoice data, etc. are related to each other in Zuora. This information will help those who are new to Zuora, and, developers who are interested in working with data stored in Zuora.  

Course9 minutes

  • Zuora's Object Model
  • Next Steps

About this course

This video is designed for developers or anyone who is interested in working with data stored in Zuora.

In this video, Nishith Agarwal, Technical Consultant at Zuora, describes Zuora's data model and how objects such as products, rate plans, customer accounts, invoice data, etc. are related to each other in Zuora. This information will help those who are new to Zuora, and, developers who are interested in working with data stored in Zuora.  

Course9 minutes

  • Zuora's Object Model
  • Next Steps